


高考英语作文范文80字 第1篇

As the proverb goes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it. ” From this, we know that health is very important to everybody. But how to keep fit? Many people believe that sports can offer people health and pleasure. As far as I concern, I think doing physical exercises have lots of advantages.

First of all, doing exercises in the morning will refresh my body as well as give me a good appetite to eat my breakfast. What’s more, the air in the morning is really fresh and clean, so I can keep my mind clear and sound in the class. By doing physical every day I can keep my mind alert that I can finish my tasks in time. If I do not do any physical exercise, I will feel tired and my body becomes quite sluggish. During the night, I may find it becomes harder to fall asleep. Second, doing exercises everyday will help me to mound a better personality. It takes time and patient to do exercises. Sometimes I just want to give up, but my friends encourage me to carry on, then I feel a lot of satisfaction. Doing physical exercises makes me stronger and healthier. That’s my personal experience.

高考英语作文范文80字 第2篇

Though PE class is a part of children’s education, many teenagers didn’t form the habit of doing exercise, they don’t have interest in sports. Enthusiasm for sports is of great importance, young people should treat it as their integral part of education.

On the one hand, promoting enthusiasm for sports among teenagers helps them keep a healthy lifestyle. In the school, students are forced to take exercise in the PE class, they need to join certain activities. In this way, students live in a healthy lifestyle, they won’t get sick easily. But after they leaving school, no one forces them to do so, so they are lazy to take exercise, their bodies gets weaker.

On the other hand, the enthusiasm for sports can help students enhance their sense of teamwork. As we known, most sports need more than one person to do, like badminton and table tennis, these sports needs more than two people. When students are playing badminton, they need to cooperate, so that they can defeat others, if they just keep an eye on themselves, they game can’t be played. Doing these sports will bring students the sense of teamwork, which is important for their career.

People should keep the habit of taking exercise, the sound body ensures better future. Enthusiasm for sports can make people feel it a happiness to take exercise.

高考英语作文范文80字 第3篇

Recently, more and more people stay at home watching TV and surfing the Internet, which leads to obesity and even get serious illness.

This is no doubt that sport is good for our health. A person who takes exercises regularly will keep fit. What’s more, exercise can make you well-behaved and confident. If you usually take exercise with your friends, you will be close to them. After all, sports can make your life more colorful.

Nothing is more important than doing sports. It's time to take actions to stay away from the TV and computer and to take part in sport activities.

高考英语作文范文80字 第4篇

Dear friends,

It's time to get active and engage in sports!

Sports not only benefit our physical health but also our mental well-being. They teach us valuable life skills such as teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship.

Whether it's basketball, soccer, swimming, or gymnastics, there's a sport out there for everyone. Joining a sports team or club can provide a sense of belonging and a chance to make new friends with similar interests.

Additionally, participating in sports can improve our academic performance by increasing our focus, concentration, and time management skills.

Let's make a commitment to prioritize our physical and mental health by incorporating sports into our daily routines. Whether it's practicing yoga, going for a run, or playing a game of tennis, every little bit counts.

So let's get out there and be active! Remember, a healthy body leads to a healthy mind.


Li Hua

高考英语作文范文80字 第5篇

I have always been a fan of sports, ever since I was a child. As a kid, I used to watch basketball games with my dad and try to imitate the moves of my favorite players. I remember spending hours in the park, shooting hoops and practicing my layups.

As I grew older, I started to explore other sports such as soccer, tennis, and running. I loved the feeling of pushing my body to its limits, and the sense of accomplishment that came from hitting a new personal best or winning a game.

One of my fondest memories from my teenage years was when I participated in a local marathon. It was a grueling race that tested my stamina and perseverance. As I crossed the finish line, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment that I will never forget.

Sports have not only provided me with physical and mental benefits, but they have also taught me important life lessons such as teamwork, perseverance, and resilience. Through sports, I have made lifelong friendships, learned to overcome obstacles, and developed a strong sense of self-discipline.

Overall, I believe that sports play an important role in our lives, and I am grateful for the opportunities they have given me to grow and thrive.

高考英语作文范文80字 第6篇

An unforgettable experience

My mom used to say that I was born to swim. But the truth is that I didn t know how to swim until the last year of my primary school!

Mom always said that I could swim in the basin when I was only two months old. I was surprised at the amazing fact. If this was true, then why was I afraid of water? I went to swim every summer, but I didn t make a little progress. I was worried and blamed myself several times. When I watched people swimming freely, how I wished I had learnt to swim!

The story of how I learnt to swim is dramatic. One hot summer afternoon, my father and I went to the swimming pool to swim. While my father was changing his clothes, I was roaming along the bank of the pool. Suddenly I heard a voice, Look out! and then came a big noise and beautiful splashes. Just when I was admiring the swimmer s skills, I slipped into the pool! I was so afraid that I shouted at once! But the water kept coming towards me and I drank a lot of it. I was moving upside down and trying to reach the bank. I was struggling very hard to keep my head above the water.

A minute was like a hundred years to me. To my surprise, I was able to keep the style! Just then, my father, saw me and he seemed to be shocked. He then said, Calm down, just wave your arms and legs like this. Right! And I got it! I finally learnt to swim! You can t imagine how happy I was and I wanted to jump for joy!

From this unforgettable experience I learnt that one s power is unlimited. Sometimes you could show that power in an emergency. If you believe that, you will discover the power lying within yourself and achieve your goals. And one has to stay calm when it s dangerous. To calm down helps you to think clearly and make the best decision for you. That s what I have learnt from the experience.